Lorraine R. Nelson – The ‘Voice of Voicemail’
It’s hard to think of a time when there was no voicemail, but traditionally people relied on receptionists, secretaries and office mates to handle telephone messages. The primary tools were pink memo pads and ballpoint pens. Then came the home tape recorder to answer one line at home. Businesses needed much more.Authority and Reliability
Some of the smartest minds in the country at Bell Labs developed a computer system that not only answered calls, it provided a way for companies to communicate internally with group voice memos, distribution lists, saving recorded messages at hundreds of individual sites and allowing workers to answer calls at will. This system vastly improved interoffice communication and worker efficiency. The woman’s voice talking each person through the new and complex system had to blend the right amount of authority and reliability with the patience to help users navigate a strange new world of technology.The Voice of Most Business
In the mid 1980’s Voice of Voicemail was developed as the first widely used system voice on many of the first Audix computerized communications systems adopted in US businesses. Eventually a majority of government offices, universities, hospitals and multi-national corporations used the Audix system, voiced by the Voice of Voicemail.AT&T Relied on One Voice
The exclusive presence of the Voice of Voicemail on these systems branded the style and delivery of the prompts guiding users through the system. After much trial and error, AT & T selected Lorraine Routh Nelson to be the voice of their multi-million dollar system. Her consistently upbeat, helpful and easy-to-listen-to voice proved to be the velvet glove to bring America through the rough edges of learning a new technology. As the analog system advanced into the digital world, AT & T relied on the Voice of Voicemail for their new products, such as Definity and Intuity Audix. Later systems included the widely used Partner Messaging, Partner IP Office, Merlin Messaging, etc.Voice of Voicemail – Part of Daily Life for Millions
Millions of users today hear the same clear Voice of Voicemail which has been a part of their world in a way no other piece of office technology ever has. The personal interaction each phone user has with the voicemail system creates a non-verbal understanding for users that their instructions are being understood and followed immediately. The users remember the voice that greets them every day at work in a positive way.Custom Messaging
The professional voice of major phone systems is now available to work directly with your business or institution. Call or fill out our contact form for a callback today!- Voice Prompts for phone systems
- Automated Attendant
- Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR)
- Human Interface Device
- On-hold Messaging
- VOIP Web Voice Over
- New Systems using voice instructions
- GPS Voice Over
About was last modified: July 11th, 2022 by nottmarketing